How to avoid a messy desktop and get organised

If you found this post, then your are like the author: someone who likes to keep things tidy, my desktop is no exception. But this is one of the hardest things, since we have to download so many images and other files for our everyday work. But no worries, there’s a new sheriff, I mean browser extension in town! Finally, Lazy Felix has arrived, a browser add on that will keep our desktop nice and tidy, will stay organised forever.
The method is super easy, after adding Lazy Felix to your browser simply take your mouse on an image you wish to use, the Felix Paw icon will appear, if you click on it, the extension will remember that you need that image. When you wish to use it, simply open the Felix Panel from the upper part of your browser and click on the previously selected image.
This tool will prevent your desktop from getting messy, since you don’t have to download the images or others files you would upload shortly after anyway! An innovative method of image management to get your desktop organised. All of your digital files will be nicely organised from now on, simply start using this browser extension and enjoy your day!
With the use of Felix your life will get much easier and effective, something we all are looking for desperately during our careers. If you wish to organise your digital photos, or if you do a lot of online shopping or any type of creative work, Felix will help you a lot since you do not have to download the images you wish to use anymore!
There are several reason to aim for a more organised image management and a tidy desktop. Your work will be much efficient, the workflow more streamlined. You will find what you are looking for on your computer if it’s clean and neatly organised. And last, but not least at all, it’s emotionally also much better for everyone to look at a tidy desktop instead one that’s a visual chaos.
Quality work requires quality circumstances, it’s impossible to become a high achiever if your digital environment is not as close to perfection as possible.
Try Felix today, keep your desktop nice and clean! 🙂